通用设施:中餐厅 西餐厅 理发美容中心 前台贵重物品保险柜 自动取款机 免费停车场 大堂吧 电梯
活动设施:KTV 棋牌室 桌球室 健身室 按摩室 桑拿浴室 日光浴场 足浴 SPA
服务项目:会议厅 外币兑换服务 旅游票务服务 洗衣服务 送餐服务 鲜花店 叫车服务 邮政服务 专职行李员 行李寄存 叫醒服务 接机服务
客房设施:国内长途电话 国际长途电话 拖鞋 书桌 浴室化妆放大镜 24小时热水 电热水壶 咖啡壶/茶壶 免费洗漱用品(6样以上) 迷你吧 小冰箱 浴衣 多种规格电源插座 110V电压插座 浴缸 吹风机 房内保险箱 中央空调 电脑
评论 1:5星设备,但很落魄。住了很多次,服务软件严重不足。好在价格便宜……
评论 2:The hotel is very run down and dirty. At one time it had been a grand hotel but it has fallen into terrible disrepair. None of the advertised services remain - the hot springs spa is closed, the restaurants are closed, no beauty salon left open, no foot massage center open, the coffee shop offers nothing except a few chairs and a television. No taxis can be called for guests to get into town as there is no concierge service available. The staff, while courteous, was often not at the desk. No credit cards are taken so it is cash only. The printer was not working so copies of passports were taken on a staff members personal cell phone, which is hardly ideal. The place is huge but for a couple of days we were the only guests - it was pretty creepy as some of the hallways on the floor where we stayed are not lit. The rooms are large but dirty and the rugs are badly stained. Our bathroom had a tub with a shower in it as well as a separate shower. At one time it had been nice but the ceiling in the shower stall was falling down and dripping from above and the ceiling was all black mold - very dangerous to humans. We asked to be moved after the first night there and the second room was a bit better but with cracked walls and floor moldings missing in the hallway. The toiletries were limited but we were given two bottles of water a day. We were not given a bath mat for the shower or washcloths; we were not able to convey what we needed to the staff as no English was spoken at the hotel. The breakfast buffet was very very limited, the food quality very poor and the food was always cold. The hotel website is far from accurate as it conveys how the hotel used to be and not what it really is today. I would not recommend this hotel to anyone - it was very bad. It is sad to see what once was a beautiful resort to be in such disrepair and mismanaged. I think Ctrip should not offer this hotel to anyone.
评论 3:位置佳,酒店后是西湖山,可观浏阳全城,也许曾经是个好酒店,黄金周也就十几辆车在车场,状况可见一斑,人少倒也清静,希望再现辉煌。
评论 4:说实话,这家店是实在可惜的,是奔向倒闭的节奏。酒店周边环境是可以的,硬件条件不差,但是从大堂接待服务员,到客房服务员,到早餐服务员,酒店卫生,酒店管理实在不敢恭维,整个酒店缺乏专业素质,我们跟大堂服务员要无烟房,服务员说不知道,而且在服务台里边吃东西边工作。到了房间,墙壁是脏的,卫生间地面是花的,前面住过的客人用过的洗浴用品放在浴缸边上,过分的是拖鞋,四星级酒店给的是二星级酒店用的那种塑料拖鞋!跟客房服务员要一次性拖鞋,说没有不提供,要投诉随便去投诉!在用了各种方法包括请携程协调后,送来了二双一次性拖鞋,早晨乘电梯吃饭,电梯里没电!黑漆漆的摸黑到了餐厅,吃的东西少就算了,可笑的是做米线的服务员开着收音机,大声唱着歌,嘻嘻哈哈好开心,等到前台结算,跟服务员要发票,他们竟然没发票!更可笑的是,他们认为我们在找茬,根本没有酒店服务专业意识!总体评价这家酒店,再这样开下去估计要倒闭的,目前只是靠环境优势撑着!可惜!
评论 5:除了早餐差一点其他都还不错