
Newly refurbished, it now offers stylish and comfortable surroundings through the first and second floors.
The ground floor consists of an extensive bar area with pool tables large screen TVs, computers with internet access and a large decked beer garden is situated just off the main bar. We also have a night club which opens every Friday and Saturday and Bank Holiday Sundays.
All eight of our en-suite bedrooms have recently been refurbished to a very high modern standard.
Please note there is a nightclub in operation most Fridays, Every Saturday and Bank holiday Sundays, and music is audible from some guest rooms and noise from people leaving can be disruptive. The nightclub closes at 2.00am and all customers are escorted by the door staff from the premises. The gate leading to the decking area is then locked preventing any customers from re entering. The street is policed at the end of a night, however there is a kebab takeaway next door where customers often get a bite to eat. Street noise will only effect the rooms at the front of the hotel. This hotel at weekends is ideal for wedding guests and alike. We offer a cheaper weekend rate to reflect the fact the hotel has a nightclub.
价格优惠——不收取预订手续费 • 省钱最优惠价格保证—输入日期即可查看!
户外 :阳光露台
宠物 :住宿方允许客人携带宠物入住,但需事先提出请求。 住宿方可能会收取额外费用。
活动设施 :夜总会/DJ
餐饮服务 :酒吧
网络连接 :免费!住宿方于公共场所提供WiFi(免费)。
停车场 :不设停车设施。
服务项目 :共用休息室/电视区
综合设施 :酒店各处禁烟 | 吸烟区